Corporate Social Responsibility
Message from the President, Basic Policy
Message from the President
The management philosophy of the Soiken Group is to "commercialize the outcomes of medical science research to help people live safe and healthy lives." Accordingly, the Group is actively seeking to utilize university research outcomes in a way that will benefit everyone in their daily lives, so that people can lead safe and healthy lives with fewer medical expenses and an improved quality of life.
In Japan, medical expenses continue to increase against the background of an aging population. This is spurring growth in evidence-based medicine, which helps streamline operation of medical services, and driving vigorous activity in numerous areas of preventive medicine. In response to these social changes, the Soiken Group uses its strength in building and utilizing scientific evidence. In this way, we are using our business to meet people’s needs and fulfill our corporate social responsibility.
The Soiken Group and its group companies are keenly aware of their responsibilities to stakeholders: shareholders, suppliers, customers, healthcare workers, participants in clinical tests and research, our executives and employees, and community members. We strive to manage our business in line with fundamental CSR principles and with a sense of ethics and social decency so that we can be a sustainable, growing corporate group that is trusted by society.
- President Kentarō Ishigami
Basic CSR Policy
Contribute to Society through Business
We aim to provide high-quality products and services as the embodiment of our management philosophy, and to assist people by contributing to the appropriate and efficient management of the medical system and by raising the standard of health in the nation as a whole.
Tackle Social Issues
We actively take the initiative to engage in tackling various social issues such as those relating to human rights, labor, and the environment.
Fair Management
Our operation will be fair and transparent based on the principle of legal compliance, while keeping lines of communication open with all stakeholders to disclose information appropriately as required in a timely manner.
Give Back to the Community
Being mindful of risks, we aim to increase corporate value through sustainable growth, so that we can give back to society through tax payments, dividends, and employment opportunities.